Nutrients women should include in their diet during their menstrual cycle

Nutrients women should include in their diet during their menstrual cycle

A woman’s body goes through many changes, a few days a month, during her childbearing years. The complex interactions of hormones around a woman’s menstrual cycle have an impact on her body and psyche.

During her menstruation cycle, the woman usually suffers from symptoms like period pains, bloating, mood swings, food cravings, headaches and more. Additionally, because certain hormones stimulate the body to keep salt in the days prior to a woman’s menstruation, fluid retention is typical (sodium). The more sodium in the body, the more fluid the tissues retain.

Following are some nutrients that can help women experience a relatively easier menstrual cycle.

● Water: Staying hydrated is very important, especially during periods. Dehydration headaches are a common symptom faced during periods. Drinking lots of water helps prevent headaches and also helps you from bloating or retaining water.

● Iron: Blood loss during periods can lead to a dip in iron levels. Consuming foods rich in iron or iron supplements are a good way to counteract the dip. Red meat is a great source of iron. Lentils and beans are also rich in iron and protein, so they’re good meat replacements for vegans and vegetarians. Few sources of Iron – Red meat, poultry, fish, nuts and legumes, vegetables, iron absorption can be hampered by high-fiber foods, alcohol, tannic acid in tea, and calcium from concentrated sources.

● Omega 3: The main symptom of periods is the pain one has the deal with. Omega 3s are known to decrease the severity of period pains. Moreover, Omega 3 also helps control mood swings and is known to reduce depression, which is another common symptom of menstruation. The best source of Omega 3 is fish and krill oil. iThrive’s premium Krill Oil supplement provides enough krill oil in one capsule compared to other supplements available on the market. Unlike most Indian supplements, these are relatively free of fillers, binders, and preservatives.

● Magnesium: Taking this nutrient daily helps relax the uterus muscles and reduces prostaglandin, which helps reduce the cramps during periods. A study taken reported that people with magnesium deficiencies were more likely to have severe PMS symptoms. Dark chocolate is a good source of magnesium. Taking an iThrive magnesium supplement daily can help reduce period pain.

● Quinoa: It is rich in nutrients such as iron, protein, and magnesium. It’s also gluten-free, so it’s a great food for those with celiac disease, ie, sensitivity to gluten.

● Vitamin C and E: These vitamins help protect against free radicals. That is, it reduces oxidative stress. Oxidative stress, if not neutralized, can damage tissues.

● Shatavari: This herb helps in improving reproductive and hormonal health. It has properties that can help relieve period pain and reduce PMS symptoms. It is also known to help regulate the menstrual cycle.

● Triphala: It contains natural antioxidants which help reduce oxidative stress and promote immunity in the body. It also has various beneficial nutrients, including Vitamin C and Omega 3 fatty acids.

To sum up

Food is critical for proper hormone production and function, as it affects growth, development, metabolism, reproduction, and mood. When estrogen and progesterone levels are at their lowest, the menstrual phase is a tumultuous time. It is critical to focus on foods high in iron and vitamin B12 in order to sustain the body to keep you experiencing your best.

Mugdha Pradhan

A functional nutritionist and a TedX speaker, Mugdha Pradhan is the founder of iThrive, a revolutionary health and wellness startup that focuses on reversing chronic lifestyle disorders with evidence-based, science-backed nutrition coaching and deep interaction. In her present capacity, she spearheads nutrition knowledge upgradation and maintenance; sales and marketing, finance and funding; and team growth.

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