Wake up women. Woo Men, but not at the cost of shooing yourself
Women, break it up, WOO—MEN.
We, women anywhere in the world, would always put men before self. Even in case of children, son before daughter.
Do we realise, that if the lady of the house is not healthy and wealthy, the house can never be a home and neither can the family flourish. In my journey so far, I have seen not one, not two, but many women who would do more than what is required to take care of a loved one. Be it bedridden parents, Unwell husband or children, we are always there.
A few years back, a lady I knew was diagnosed with terminal illness, however it was a prelim diagnose and the same had to be confirmed. The diagnostic test was to happen at a certain hospital which was covered under insurance. The equipment required for the same was under maintenance and was taking a while. The decision to undertake the test elsewhere was ruled out by the husband of this lady as it was an expensive test and the other hospital, would require him to pay out of his pocket and do a lot more paper work. The diagnostic test got delayed by a month, and so was the treatment. As one would say, penny wise pound foolish, the delay in the diagnosis, led to delay in the treatment.
It Is said that one should learn from one’s mistake, however in this case, it wasn’t the case. The lady yet again became critical, as she was given over medication by her husband, as he dint know how to independently manage things, as the lady never let him do
After three months of treatment, a week later she became breathless and kept asking for oxygen, but the husband, in his own world, kept waiting for the ambulance to come, even though, the oxygen cylinder was at home. What happened eventually, do I need to even mention, of course we lost her in just three months. Did we lose her to illness, to a certain extent yes, but we lost her as she wasn’t given the importance she deserved.
I Know, one would say, why blame the MAN here, I say it as I have seen it first hand, when the man of the house fell ill and had a stroke, the lady did not waste any time to act and got him the best treatment.
How come when it came to her treatment, money meant everything and so much so, that at her prayer meeting, extra money was spent, as now the MAN of the house dint care about the money
I appeal to the women all over, please take care of your health, take care of your family but in that don’t lose yourself. Enjoy your life, don’t burden yourself, and don’t kill yourself
I tell myself every day, if I am not healthy and happy, I can’t make my family healthy and happy.
Wake up women. Woo Men, but not at the cost of shooing yourself.