Bengaluru Airport installs Diaper Changing Room in Men’s Washroom and Everyone Likes it

A tweet celebrating the presence of a diaper changing room at men’s washroom in Bengaluru airport is going viral. Even today, diaper changing rooms are mostly attached to women’s bathrooms because they only are expected to change the baby’s diaper. However, Bengaluru airport has taken a step in the right direction by including it in the men’s section too.
Needs to be celebrated. Spotted in a men’s washroom at @BLRAirport – a diaper change station.
Childcare is not just a woman’s responsibility.
— Sukhada (@appadappajappa) June 27, 2022
Bengaluru Airport’s handle replied to her tweet.
Thank you Sukhada @appadappajappa for your appreciation. The diaper change station has been a feature of our washrooms – irrespective of gender – at the #BLRAirport. They are well-equipped and enable a parent to change a baby in privacy and comfort. #Bengaluru #babycare #airport
— BLR Airport (@BLRAirport) June 28, 2022
Many Twitter users joined in the conversation to laud the airport authorities for the progressive action while some users noted that this should be ‘normalized’ and not celebrated. Meanwhile, some netizens hoped that other airports and railway stations would follow suit and introduce similar steps.
Excellent job. I felt the need and communicated the same to the authorities in Guwahati airport recently.@AAI_Official @flyingbeast320
— Tapobrata Bora (@tapobrata_bora) June 28, 2022
That’s exactly what you shouldn’t do! Don’t celebrate such things .. instead normalise them!!
— Pranesh Joshi (@pranesh1109) June 27, 2022