Eid Festival is finally here- Know all about the festival and the way it is celebrated
“EID is a beautiful celebration of a lovely day where each & every Muslim all across the world Pray, love, care, smile & celebrate together with great enthusiasm & zeal to symbolize Peace & brotherhood with one another.”
They also thank Allah for gifting them this Precious & Wonderful day!!!!
EIDor EID-UL-FITR is one of the greatest festivals of Muslims all over the world.It marks the Celebration of end of the Holy month called “RAMADAN.” Or “RAMZAN”
During the festival, Muslims of all Nations wear new clothes, pray Namaaz in Mosques & Eidgah, exchange gifts, greet their neighbours, relatives & each other as a mark of solidarity & unity.
Eid is celebrated on the first date of Shawwal, that is the 10th month of the Hijra Calendar.According to Islamic beliefs Eid comes just after completing the 30 days of fasting of the Holy month of Ramzan.
Ramzan is the Islamic Holy month of fasting which stands for lots of Islamic practises & beliefs of the Muslims. It is not merely restraining oneself from having food & water but also to purify one’s soul by abstaining from all kinds of evil & unlawful practises. In Arabic the word”Roza” means “abstinence .” It is the way in which every Muslim individual gets a chance in their lifetime to correct themselves and come to the straight path of “Allah Aza wajjal.”(“In the name of God, the most Gracious, the most merciful”).
Muslims keep their fasting for full one month during Ramzan after sighting the moon of Ramzan. Muslims start their “Roza” or fast from the break of dawn till sunset & during this whole day, they need to refrain themselves from eating, drinking & sexual intercourse.This Practise of “Roza” makes every Muslim feel the pain of hunger so that they can understand the hunger of poor people & feed them. The greatest virtues that is practised during this month of Ramzan is of “Charity” (Zakaat) Which is of helping the poor by giving alms or money & feeding the hungry people.
It is the blessed month for the Muslims because the Islamic Holy Book of “QURAN” was also revealed to”PROPHET MUHAMMAD” in this pure & holy month.
Ramzan is the month of Worshipping Allah through Prayers(Namaz) & reading Quran as much as one can so that they can ask for forgiveness for their sins & start afresh. Muslims not only Pray 5 times of their regular Namaaz with lots of recitation of “QURAN ” but also Pray Tarawih Namaaz & Tahajjud Namaz.
Moreover they wake up full night for worshipping on 5 special nights called “Shabe- Qadr” during Ramzan also, where it is believed that one who prays in all the 5 special nights will get all their righteous “Dua’s” accepted by Allah.
Basically Ramzan is the blessed month of Spiritual awakening & Worshipping Allah. It is said that in this month all the Evil spirits (shaitaan) are being chained by Allah & all the Angels are brought down to Earth to shower blessings of Allah on mankind. The doors of Hell are closed and the gates of Heavens are opened. It is also believed that any Muslim who dies in this Holy month goes straight to Jannah (Heaven). Those Muslims are considered pious & lucky. It is the month of Rahmat (Mercy) & forgiveness by Allah. Even the dead’s punishment in the graveyard are also stopped by Allah for this full month as a sign of his mercy.
This month Worship will not only save individuals from the Hellfire in the hereafter but will also make them more clean, pure & holy at heart with the love of Allah and his straight path of righteousness which will finally lead them to their ultimate destination of Jannah or Heaven.
This fasting makes individuals strong in willpower & determination together with being kind, merciful & helpful towards all the humans of the World. This also makes them strong in facing the tests of life with great courage & humility.
When the one month of Ramzan gets over and the moon of Eid is sighted, it is called “Chaand raat.” Muslims all over the world Celebrate Eid the very next day of the “Chand raat.” Eid is a very big day of festivity, gaiety & feasting for all the Muslims so Muslims start decorating their houses & arranging delicious food preparations from the Chaand raat itself for the Eid on the next day!!!
Women starts putting “Mehendi” (hand decorative item)on their hand on Chaand raat & starts arranging their best dresses for themselves & their family. Shopping of dresses & accessories for Men, Women & Children starts before Ramzaan only. Streets and shops are crowded till “Chaand raat” as the shopping of Eid finally ends on that night.
On the Eid day, Muslims people get up early in the morning. They take bath and put on their best Eid dresses. They thank Allah for this day and visit Mosques or Eidgah’s to offer congregational Prayers (Namaaz)called “Eid ki Namaaz.”
After the Namaaz, all the Muslims exchange good wishes with one another by embracing one another and saying “Eid Mubarak.” to each other.
“Eid Mubarak” is on the lips of every Muslim on Eid day. Sweets are distributed, gifts are given, fancy & delicious meals are prepared at home. Friends & neighbours are invited at home for the feasts. “Sweet Vermicelli” of different kinds is one of the most popular dish cooked in every home on Eid day. Eid programmes & fairs are being held at some places where children buy sweets & toys. Children also get their Eid gifts & “Eidi” from their Parents & Elders as a form of their love & blessing. “Eidi or parvi” are money given to children to Celebrate Eid with more fun & enjoyment. Mostly Children collect Eidi from all their Elderly relatives and celebrate Eid & keep the rest of the money as their savings to buy toys or their favourite items such as books, games, gifts etc.
In India, all the communities of different caste, creed & religion join Muslims in celebrating Eid with great pomp & joy. Greetings are exchanged by all of them. The Hindus, Sikhs & Christians greet their Muslims brothers & Sisters on this day. The Celebration of Eid promotes National Integration & brotherhood feeling among all. The joys are doubled when it is shared. Eid brings the message of love, peace & brotherhood for all of us.
It is a festival of love, goodwill & unity. It teaches us to “love all & hate none”. It teaches us to embrace all men & women as brothers & Sisters. It exhorts us to bid goodbye to hatred, jealousy & enmity & bring love, peace & unity among all of us!!!!!
So here I am Wishing a very Happy & Blissful” Eid Mubarak”ππ to all of my Lovely Sisters & Friends of Mompreneur community!!! May Allah bless you all with enormous Success, Health & Happiness!!!ππππππ