Simple Tips To Encourage Kids To Pursue Their Dreams

All parent’s do their best for their children and try and ensure that they raise a happy and healthy child, who can later on grow up to become a confident individual. I feel being a mother of three that once in a while we all parent’s try and follow some mantras of parenting hoping that it will enhance what we do already.
My personal experience and what I have learnt from observing so many others around me is that there is actually no one mantra or no one way of defined parenting for all. Similarly there can be different ways in which we all can motivate our children to pursue their dreams. Some of these I would like to share as thoughts with you all members of Mompreneur Circle.
1. The ability to pursue our dreams is hidden in each individual but to follow it and make it a trait of ones personality, one needs to be motivated by right environment. So provide your child with a conducive environment to realize this ability.
2. Always listen to your child and his/her dreams however meaningless or kiddish they may sound as those could be a cue to the thought process that governs your child at that stage and age.
3. Let them speak their mind and share their thoughts and don’t pass any judgement but make them introspect with a healthy discussion. This will help them understand their own aspirations and practicality behind it as they grow.
4. Always try and understand your child especially the inherent part of their nature which you or he/she cannot change much as they could have inherited it by birth but help them realize and develop those qualities which will take them forward in life.
5. Make them realize their own potential by quoting examples displayed by their own actions. This will help them realize their own potential.
6. Always tell them that their competition should always first be with their own self and then with so many others around them. While they may fail many a times but each failure is an opportunity to learn.
7. Make them accept failures.
8. Always be there as a stress buster for them and not as a parent who puts more pressure on child to prove something to the world or you.
9. Instill good moral values as these values act as a backbone to help them walk the right path later and to be strong in every adversity.
So my word to all is that while each child is different and we need to handle his/her accordingly but there is definately a systematic approach that we all can follow to encourage our children to pursue their dreams!!