Pitta Dosha : 5 diet tips for a healthy life
As per Ayurveda, the whole universe is made of five basic elements ie air, water, fire, earth and space. Doshas are nothing but the forces made up of one or more of the above elements which govern our physiological, mental and psychological health.
Pitta Dosha is made up of 2 opposing elements: fire and water. It is generally associated with “heat”, “warmth” and “transformations”.
It is responsible for assimilation to elimination of whatever gets into the body. It controls digestion, metabolism, hormonal balance and almost all biochemical processes of the body. Naturally, imbalance of Pitta Dosha can wreak havoc in the body resulting in accumulation of toxins. This not only disrupts physical health but also emotional well-being causing irritation, anger, anxiety etc.
So, it becomes imperative to keep Pitta Dosha in check and what better way to do this through Right Diet and Nutrition.
Important points to remember:
Avoid fat, salt, sour, processed and spicy food as much as possible. Honey and molasses should not be used as sweetener. Vegetarian food is highly preferable.
Presenting here a few tried and tested ways to lead a healthy life with this dosha.
- Lots of Fruits and Vegetables:
Pitta Dosha is associated with fire predominantly so we must include lots of fruits and vegetables to cool down our body. Have lots of green leafy vegetables and almost all fruits are good. They are good antioxidants which also reduce stress. Avoid sour and bitter ones. Best options are as follows:
Apples, apricots, berries, cherries, coconut, dates, pear, papaya, plums, pomegranate, mango, orange, melons, watermelon, strawberries, figs and grapes.
Broccoli, cauliflower, celery, coriander, peas, pumpkin, radishes, cabbage, sweet potato, spinach, lettuce, okra, cucumber, potatoes and mushrooms among others.
2. Fluid intake:
Drink a lot of water. Warm water 30 minutes before and after meal is helpful. Fruit juices, green vegetable smoothies, herbal teas are good options. Coconut water has healing effect. Avoid tea and coffee as much as possible.
3. Oils, Nuts, Seeds and Spices:
Coconut oil, flaxseed oil, olive oil, sunflower oil, ghee and walnut oil are good options.
General perception is that nuts and seeds are not good for pitta dosha but there a few exceptions which can be taken in moderation with care. Almonds (soaked & peeled), flaxseeds, coconuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds.
Cashew nuts, pine nuts, pecans, pistachios, tahini, walnuts, sesame seeds, chia seeds and peanuts should be avoided.
Spices like fennel, mint, basil, ginger are good to use. Garlic, mustard, fenugreek should be avoided.
4. Dairy products:
Low fat milk, unsalted butter, paneer, sweet curd are beneficial.
5. Cereals and legumes:
Wheat, oats, barley, amaranth, quinoa are best options while millets should be avoided.
The following legumes can be added: Black beans, kidney beans, lentils, chickpeas, split peas, soya beans, tofu, lima beans, mung dal and black-eyed peas.
Soy sauce, miso, urad dal should be avoided.
Pitta Dosha can be controlled to a large extent through right eating habits. We also need a few physical activities in form of yoga, meditation and strength exercises for overall wellness. Adequate and peaceful sleep is mandatory for optimal health.