Five Tips to have Clean and Happy Periods
Yes you are reading right. Thinking how periods can be happy! Afraid of menstrual cramps, itching, moist feeling, odor and stain periods? If yes, then you must not be maintaining proper hygiene and taking care of yourself.
As we know nowadays women are facing a lot of problems with their periods. Recently, a lot of messages are circulating about womenfolk dying because of using same pads for a longer duration of time. It is unhygienic.
So, womenfolk should be aware of using correct pads and proper hygiene.
At the time of menstruation cervix opens up to facilitate blood passage which can lead to severe infection if germs enter your cervix. The only way to stay away from infections is to maintain hygiene. So, it is important to follow clean and hygienic routine.
Here are some tips for stress free menstruation experience with no stains, odor and infections :
1. Use of Menstrual cups, pads or tampons:
Women use different things to maintain hygiene. Some prefer menstrual cups, tampons while most of them use sanitary pads.
Things to keep in mind while using sanitary pads.
- If you are using sanitary pads then make sure you are placing it right otherwise it might cause irritation, itching or rashes.
- Buy sanitary pads which have high absorbent power. It should have enough capacity to absorb while heavy flow.
- Make sure you have enough pads in your bag so that you can change on time or in emergency.
2. Keep a record of your menstrual cycle
One of the most important menstrual hygiene tips to follow is to remember your date. Keep a record of your dates so that you will be prepared for your cycle without any untimely surprise. If you face issues of multiple periods as a mother or irregular periods then you must consult doctor.
3. Stain proof panties
Stain proof panties are must have for every woman and a school going girl. It is soft, skin friendly and it comes with extra lining which prevents from stains. Now stay confident while periods. Use stain proof panties. They can be easily wash with lukewarm water.
4. Change and wash
Important tip to maintain hygiene during menstrual cycle is to change sanitary pad after every 4 hours and tampons after every 8 hours. If you don’t change them for long time and over use it, it may cause discomfort, infection and foul smell. During menstruation wash private parts after every change and dry it too.
5. Avoid tight fit clothes
Always wear comfortable clothes while menstruation. Wear loose pants, skirts, culotes during periods. Tight clothes may lead to boils or rashes and make your “5 days” stressful.