Common Breastfeeding Problems and Solutions

Common Breastfeeding Problems and Solutions

1. Nursing after C-section: According to this widespread misconception, mothers who have a C-section are unable to start breastfeeding right away after giving birth. This myth is harmful because it’s advised to breastfeed a newborn during the first hour following birth.

If you are not sedated during the process, you will actually be awake and able to give your baby instant skin-to-skin contact. The nurse or anesthesiologist can assist you in starting a breastfeeding session on the operating table. It’s crucial to keep in mind that the key to a successful nursing journey is Initiating within the first hour post delivery.

2. Unravel the mystery of a latch: If the infant has trouble latching, the nurse or, frequently, a family member, might speculate that the mother has flat nipples. The mother may be experiencing some areolar swelling as a result of excessive IV fluids administered during birth, which is the real cause.

Using “Reverse Pressure Softening” is a quick way to lessen this effect. By doing this, you can make the baby latch and successfully lessen the swelling. Additionally, it is crucial to use the proper latch technique. The baby must latch onto the areola and nipple simultaneously. This guarantees the formation of a deep latch and is crucial for guaranteeing adequate milk transfer. Keep in mind that breastfeeding never hurts. Go see a lactation consultant if you’re hurting in any way.

3. How much is enough? For the first three days, milk is presented as “colostrum,” a thick liquid that is yellow and invisible to the human eye. When a mother does not see milk, it typically causes stress in her mind, which has a direct impact on the hormones that control the production of milk. It’s critical to remember that just because you don’t see milk doesn’t mean you don’t have any. After day 7, if the baby latches well, passes urine at least eight times, feeds at least eight times, has loose frothy yellow stools, and appears happy, you are doing enough. When you’re a mother, don’t go by numbers because it’s impossible to know how much milk you’re producing from your breast unless you pump and measure. So don’t put too much emphasis on quantitative factors like time and numbers. Instead, simply enjoy your motherhood. In my experience, stress is the primary cause of low milk supply in 90% of mothers. Your mind is where milk is created.

4. Exclusive breastfeeding: When pregnant, find out what your hospital’s policy is on exclusive breastfeeding. Even if you can adequately breastfeed, some hospitals will give your baby formula milk as a standard. Please notify your hospital and doctor that you intend to exclusively breastfeed your baby. Artificial supplements or teats, such as a bottle or pacifier, are not recommended and are actually harmful, and should not be given to the baby without your consent.WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months and continuing until at least 2 years of age, which we in India are still far from achieving. This liquid gold is the best investment you can make for your child.


Dr. Zinal Unadkat Shah

Pediatrician, Lactation Consultant and Neonatologist

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