Weight Loss Inspiring Stories: How these 3 mommies transformed their bodies through adopting dedication towards weight loss

Mahek Bansal (Nutritionist)- Reduced 40 kg in 11 months without any supplements
A cute overweight child, youngest of all and pampered by the entire family, that’s how my childhood was. Since, I was loved by all the relatives tremendously; the love in form of food also was enormous. The food that had calories and calories though was it tasted out of the world. Yes, you heard it right, I am absolutely not joking here. I was fed fried food with ketchup and various chutneys, a lot of sugary food. And not to miss, the icing on the cake the yum chocolates, wafers, pastries etc. that were so difficult to resist when being fed.
This continued until I was a teenager and my metabolism got affected. One fine day, my mother lost it and made me understand what I would be landing up in the future if I continued eating this way. She said, I understand that you love eating when people feed you but you need to respect your body and not exploit it like this. And that was the turning point for me. She enrolled me into various sports and even made me exercise at home. Soon, there was a transformation and I became what I could have not even imagined. All thanks to my mother. This entire phase I was busy understanding the importance of nutrition, studying and body toning, there wasn’t anything apart from this I thought about.
After a few years, I got married and entered a new phase of my life. Until the honeymoon, things were still under control and I managed to keep a check on my calorie intake. However, upon our return we had regular invitation from our relatives and friends for lunch or dinner. And that was it; I started putting on a lot of weight yet again. Then, came the time of the weddings, family get together etc. and the weight kept on increasing. Since, I was the new member of the family; I just could not throw any tantrums and put forward my food choices at that time. To top it all, I had some skin allergy due to which I had to take steroids which led to further weight gain. One fine day, I conceived and I was already 20Kg more than what I was at my wedding. As one can imagine, the weight was on the rise and I touched 107Kgs at the time of my delivery and that too a C-Sec Delivery i.e. 7th March 2016. Though I entered the best part of my life, motherhood, I couldn’t enjoy it as I should have due to my body weight. With each passing day it was becoming difficult for me to move around, sit for long and a lot that comes along with the baby. It hit me hard.
Yet again, I decided to get the extra pounds off me and have a happy face in front of my baby rather than a sulky one. Since I was nursing, I had to be very particular about my diet and nutrition. With a lot of time put into thinking, I created my own diet and happily lost 40 kgs within 11 months without any medicines or supplements. I am proud to say that I did not miss any precious moment with my child be it crawling or jumping with him whenever he wanted to. I recognize the importance of being healthy and fit and want to ensure that my child grows with a fit and an active mother who loves to play with him with a happy face.
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Purnima Bahuguna from Health Mantra- An example of how loosing second pregnancy weight is tough but not impossible.
To start with I had almost gained 15 kilos during my second pregnancy …though I lost some weight after delivery but soon it came back after having all those ladoos and ghee and so on. So to start with my first step I started taking my baby in her pram for walk (when she turned 3 months. I started walking around 2 kms with my baby in stroller everyday and let me tell u the results were showing though not drastic but yes walks were helping. Though in my heart I was waiting to complete 6 months and start my yoga.
As soon as I completed 6 months, I started Yoga at home.From 6th month I started doing 5 days a week Yoga and 5 kms walking every day.
Finally almost after 9 months (I started slowly but steadily since 3rd month) of hard work the result was visible and I had dropped all weight during my daughter’s first birthday…
Let me tell u I didn’t do any dieting. I just ate healthy balanced diet and used naturopathy approach to lose it all.
Btw I’m 37.
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Divya KA -Lost 26 kg in 18 months because of the amazing seed called “WONDER NUT”
I got to know about this wonderful nut through a friend of mine in South Africa. She had already reached her goal weight when I even got to know about this. I ordered and luckily, I was not disheartened. This nut is grown mostly in Brazil now but, they say that it was originated in South Asia. It comes from a tree called Kukui tree. The scientific term for this amazing nut is Aleurites moluccanus or they even call it “Candle nut”. I started taking the nut as per the instructions that my friend gave me. 1/8th of the nut for the first eight days and 1/4th of the nut thereafter. I lost 4 kg in the first week and I was awestruck. But, the second week onwards I stopped losing weight but, lost a lot of inches. My weight loss then started off after about 1 month of using the nut. I have lost 12 kg already. My friend had lost only about 5 kg in 2 months time and 18 kg in 4 months. But you keep losing inches almost every week. I’m on my 4th packet now and might want to use one more. Being very patient because there’s nothing that I am doing. My Wonder Nut works for me when I’m peacefully sleeping. The only side effect that I had was during the detox period when I initially started the nut. I had to visit the bathroom 3-4 times but, for some people the number of trips to loo is even more than that. So, if u want to start taking the nut, u need to be ready to meet the bathroom often for the first few days.