A Day in the life of A Mompreneur

“Tringggggg …innngg” went the alarm clock. Half asleep I snoozed the alarm. And in 10 minutes again the clock went “Tringgggg…innnggg”. I suddenly jumped out of my bed hurriedly. Rubbed my eyes and with all my heart welcomed the new day. I hurried through my daily chores only to get into the kitchen ‘on time’. “Ah, let me shampoo tomorrow, I will probably get late!” – I muttered to myself.
Swiftly, I prepared the lunch box and filled the water bottle for my elder daughter. I prepared the breakfast for everyone else. “Ah I am fast!” – reinforcing myself. It felt like an accomplishment. And then put my tea on the stove. Just then I realised that I am already late. No time for tea now.
I switched off the gas stove with the tea and rushed to the room. Probably, the tea-time should wait! “Wake up, we will get late for school.” It is always a marathon to send her. Mornings schools are not a very pleasant affair. After all, who likes to leave the comfort of bed every morning?
“Ah, job one is done, let me now have tea”, just when I thought this, I could hear the hue and cries of my younger one. I left the tea aside and prepared her milk. Then tapped her back to sleep. Babies need that motherly love and taps. Seeing her, I feel so relaxed. Childhood is probably the most precious time of life. She does not have to haste and can sleep in peace – not worrying about the rat race outside. I was kind of lost in my thoughts when everyone was already on the table for breakfast. By now, I know exactly their tastes and preferences, likes and dislikes. Everyone on the table have their own choices and I respect that. With a smile on my face, I waive them good-bye wishing them to have a fruitful day at work.
The cup of tea in the kitchen waived at me. Yes, it is tea-time. As soon, as my breakfast was over, as a regular routine I started my humongous task of “keeping things in place”. Scattered toys, pages of newspaper in various corners of home, the used towels and the clothes from floor, the pillow and the bed-sheet from the bed and so on. I was nearly done when I suddenly glanced at the clock monster.
“Tringggg- inngg” goes another alarm that I put so that I don’t miss on the deadline. It was time for me to send my younger one to her playschool. And once again, the whole chore of waking her up making her brush, bath and so on.
I dropped her to play-group and sighed – “Everyone is gone. I can now work on my project.” Basically, I am a mompreneur with a work-from-home small business. I opened my laptop to check my client emails. Just then “Tringgggg-inng”. No, not the alarm clock. This time it was the phone. The voice from the other end said – “Bhabhi, mein aaj nai aaongi.” So, which means that my maid was not coming today and I needed to shut my laptop and go back to house-hold chores.
And once more the “Tringgg-innng” goes. It was time for pick-up. One by one I picked my daughters from school. And then the usual – feeding time which takes eternal! Of course, there can be no nap time because afternoon time is our study time.
In between all these, I steal few seconds to probably whatsapp my clients and make some facebook posts. At least, with these smart phones, life becomes a little easy!
Evenings are usually time for extra-curricular activities. It is a rat race and only studies are just not enough. At night after dinner, everyone goes off to sleep. It is a task to make the little ones sleep. Book time and then another book and half hour of tapping a few times of scolding, lights switch on and off and then finally I am lucky!
It is 11 in the night. Everyone is sleeping. “Finally! It is my time. I open my laptop and look at my pending works. Once done, I also make a small list of things to do for tomorrow.”
- Send reminder to clients for renewal
- Update inventory list
- Search for newer markets
- Fruits and Vegetables to buy tomorrow
- Dal and Masala
- Annual concert meeting for costumes
- Bill payment
- ……………………………………….
“Never mind, I will! God give me strength to take it one at a time”.