I hate to be a strict mom but, I have to

I am a mom of two boys and it’s been a decade now. From the day they were in my arms to the days they were toddlers, I have enjoyed all the moments be it their giggles, smiles, hugs, mischievousness, everything! My life was filled with excitement and joy. But the job of a mom is also not easy. The sleepless nights, poop and pee, soiled diapers, burping, colic pains all were in my routine as a new mom. Seeing them grow, taking tiny steps, making a mess all over the house, jumping, dancing all was a wonderful time in my motherhood journey. My whole day revolved around them.
My kids are school going now, so the routines too have changed. Now studies, early morning wake up routine, nutritious meals, basic manners, discipline, homework, play time (of course outdoors), extra curricular activities, school projects and much more. The list is not going to end. I think as a mom of two kids, I own a responsibility towards the society to give a responsible citizen and I am putting my best efforts. Besides making them a good human being, making them learn daily chores, inculcating the most important value of respecting females in their lives, whoever she is – mother, sister, wife, colleagues, school friends or maybe just a stranger. So, many times at different places, I have to be strict. Whether they are misbehaving, neglecting studies or are being careless.
There are days when I have to scream and yell at them when I see they are not performing well in studies, creating a mess in the house, not obeying me. Sometimes I act as a referee to them, stopping their WWFs. This all makes me so irritating and exhausted. My whole energy drains out at the end of the day. I wish I could buy some patience. Yes in 10 years of motherhood, I am saying so. Being a short tempered, I lose my patience soon. Many times I have tried, but after all I am a human too. How much can I control my emotions? I myself feel bad for behaving like this. I keep juggling between a mom and a human. One day, as I sat alone I thought how can I be so rude and strict with them? How will this affect their innocent minds? I know and I accept, I am wrong. So after the scene is over, I apologise. They also understand their mother’ guilt and then comes a temporary sorry.😁
Now here I would like to mention their earlier phases of the lives which made me upset sometimes, but thanks to almighty it passed away.
When they entered play school, I had to deal with the problem of their diet as they were fussy eaters. Their unfinished plate of food stressed me a lot. But now I am happy they have good eating habits. If they are not keen to eat chapatis, I replace them with healthy shakes, fruits and anything that is healthy. But, how can a mother ‘s life be so easy?
Then came a next phase in which they were addicted to screens and gadgets. At first I never took it serious because as kids, we too loved watching cartoons and our favourite cartoon characters. But this was affecting his daily schedule, study time, sleeping time. Now again all the yelling and screaming which I didn’t liked. But soon this phase also passed away. By the time they had started playing outdoors. Friends circle had widened too. Both were found on their bicycle, gifted by their dad or playing cricket with their friends. Now seemed everything was under -control.
So when I look back, a hope fills in my mind that I have to handle this positively and soon everything will be back in place like earlier.
In my motherhood phase I am still learning. Every new day teaches me a new lesson. Now I know, if I am stressed and short-tempered how can I connect with my children. Their brains are yet developing.They are still learning and growing. We just need to be patient. It is good to be strict but the restrictions should be in a healthy way.
Mom’s duty has no ending. But this is the life! I know when they grew up, I would be missing all these things. I would be remembering them and their mischievous acts when they would not be around me. So should I stop bothering? No, I just want my children to be happy, not much expectations of being a good scholar but, a loving, kind and a good human being.
So, I am, and always be beside them to show the right path and guide. Keeping their future in my mind, I have decided to be a little strict whenever and wherever needed but, in a subtle manner and I am ok with it.