Make Your Teens Join Rajat Soni’s Much Awaited “Paint Your Own Future” Program

What is the Program all About?
Teenagers these days are full of skills and dreams. All they require is a right kind of guidance at right time from a Right expert who can help them choose their path of success through making them aware of their goals.
Rajat Soni’s Most Popular ” Paint Your Own Future” Program is all about helping the teens and tweens (11-16 year old) set goals across all spheres of their life and become more aware about themselves. The children will be working on understanding their goals alongwith learning how to rewire their brain to achieve success in any area of their life.
It is a journey from Awareness to Acceptance to Action to Results.
When is the Program Starting?
The FRESH NEW Batch will start from 27th April 2019 -12th May 2019 with twice a week session. The cost of the program is Rs 15,000.
How Can I get my Child Enrolled in the Program?
You can call at 8810646908 to book your seats.
Venue: D-52 Greater Kailash 2 Enclave, New Delhi -110048
Takeaways from the Program:
- Initial Child Analysis Report shared with Parent (Personalised not Computer Generated).
- Real feedback on child progress shared with parents & young champions at the end of the program.
- Mid Week Follow Up with kids over Live Video Sessions.
- Action Plan for 4 weeks Post Completion of Program.
Anything Else
Not to miss out is the Free Complimentary Workshop on Public Speaking on 12th May 2019 from 10:00 AM-1:00 PM at the end of the program.
More Program Details: Click Here
About Rajat Soni
Rajat Soni is a Teen-Life & Parenting Coach and Motivational Speaker. Rajat is a Certified Coach(International Coach Federation, USA), Certified EFT Practitioner and a Certified NLP Practitioner(from Vitality Living College, London).
Rajat specializes in helping the young champions through personal & group coaching sessions to :
- find their personal power to rise above their challenges,
- learn positive ways to communicate and listen – free of fights,
- see and own their part in their present situations,
- embrace a better way to succeed in life/school/college/relationships.