Does raising a girl child is safe in our country??

Who is next after Asifa? We Indian call our nation Mother india and people here are devotees of mother goddess. But this respect is only limited in few words. On one side we are saying Mother India and on other side we are destroying valuable gift of nature, a girl child.
Being a mother is most valuable gift from God. But still there are few families who abort there child if ultrasound detects its a girl child. Look what you see in ultrasound? Ten little fingers, two little hands and an innocent face who will say “mamma”. But society will not let girl child to live. If she born she cant lead a life like boys. If she try she will be raped and killed.
When i heard the news of 8 year lil girl Asifa who was being raped for seven days in temple and then killed totally dipressed me. Heart was crying.
I always desire of having a girl child but then thought strike “Is she safe in our country”. Will people allow her to lead a normal life.
Biggest fact that make me shocked that politicians start playing there politics behind her cast. Either its Hindu or Muslim doesnot matters. She was a little girl. Some politicians start candle march for justice. Does our judiciary so week that we have to demand or request for justice for this shameful sin. Disgusting is only word that comes in my mind.
Girl must enjoy the freedom of right to birth,right to freedom and right to education. Let them live there life.
Few measures we can take to make our girl child safe.
1. Education is important for girls and boys both. Make your daughter independent
2. Break down myths around gender. Girls and boys should have equal rights and opportunities.
3. Demanding a good budget for girl child at state and central level.