Positive approach to disciplining your child

As a parent, one of the key responsibilities is to teach children good behavior without being tough on them. It is a job that requires patience, time and perseverance. Discipline is an important and effective tool that can be practiced with a long and effective approach. A positive approach to discipline uses mutual kindness and respect to create a safe space for both parents and children. This approach encourages children to be kind, respectful, and thoughtful. It focuses on reinforcing positive behaviors instead of reprimanding negative outbursts.
- Avoid physical punishments: Physical punishment such as shaking or slapping can instill extreme fear. Verbal communication that is kind yet assertive goes a long way in setting precedence for respectful communication. Violent and aggressive expressions with children may cause long term behavioral and temperamental issues
- Recognize and reward good behavior: While it is necessary for a parent to mend their children. It is equally important to appreciate and reward the good behavior too. Children are more likely to repeat behavior that earns praise or encouragement. So when you praise or encourage your child’s behavior and then reward it, it is more likely that they will repeat the behavior.
- Listen: Most often than not, we are so inclined toward teaching children good habits that we forget to pay attention to them and hear what are they trying to tell us. As a parent, we need to ensure that our children can openly reach out to us and do not hesitate to share or express their emotions with us.
- Mistakes are important: When they make mistakes, keep your calm. Make them understand that they are important for one’s growth as well. Teach them how to learn from the mistakes made and ensure they do not repeat it the next time. It is important to teach them that it is completely normal to be wrong at times and apologize for it.
- Be kind to yourself: Parenting is a difficult task and it is natural to make mistakes. Rather than punishing yourself for yelling, screaming, or being disrespectful to your children in the heat of the moment, forgive yourself and ask your children for forgiveness. They will learn to apologize from our example if we have the fortitude to request an apology from them.
- Foster emotional skills: When parents respond to children’s highly emotional moments with calmness, compassion, and emotional support, children naturally learn to regulate their emotions. The model of emotional regulation they see from their parents guides them in this way.