Understanding and controlling PCOD: What should you know?

You must have come across the term PCOD owing to the huge increase in the number of women who encounter this disorder. Perhaps you or someone in your family or friend circle suffers from it. Its full form is Poly Cystic Ovarian Disorder (sometimes referred to as Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome, PCOS), and it affects more than 1 million women in India every year. Every woman should know about this disorder and make other women aware about it.
As its name suggests, this disorder is characterized by ovaries that develop multiple cysts. As a result, such ovaries are much larger than normal. It leads to an altered hormonal balance and women suffering from PCOD have much higher levels of male hormones in their body. This imbalance creates a lot of problems such as:
- Excess facial hair growth
- Uncontrolled acne
- Rapid weight gain
- Irregular menstrual cycles
- Difficulty in natural conception
- Onset or exacerbation of diabetes
Although these are the most common symptoms of PCOD, most patients don’t show all of these symptoms. If you suffer from any or some of these symptoms, don’t delay a visit to your gynecologist.
What causes PCOD?
There is not a definitive reason for this disorder but genetic factors play a significant role in its development. Therefore, if someone in your family has PCOD, chances for you to develop it are higher and you should be extra vigilant about its symptoms. Stress is known to worsen this problem.
What is the treatment for PCOD?
PCOD cannot be reversed. Thus, once you develop it, it cannot be completely cured. However, with proper medical intervention and diet planning, you can live a normal life without any problem. Some of the strategies to control and manage PCOD are:
- Prescribed medication
Your doctor will prescribe medication depending on the severity of the disorder and your age. Discuss with the doctor if you wish to conceive in near future. Hormonal supplements and oral contraceptives are commonly prescribed, along with anti-diabetic drugs.
- Weight control
Keeping your weight under control is the best way to manage this disorder. Obesity worsens diabetes and might cause heart problems; hence you should strive to remain in a healthy weight limit by proper diet and regular exercise.
- Stress management
Modern lifestyle has brought a lot of stress in our life. Stress is the harbinger of many diseases and worsens many medical ailments. Reduce or eliminate stress in your life with the help of meditation and rejuvenation programs.
PCOD and fertility
Because of an altered hormonal make-up, many women with PCOD are unable to conceive easily. This happens because they don’t ovulate or suffer early and frequent miscarriages due to fluctuating levels of female hormones. Usually, medical intervention by the gynecologist and regular intake of prescribed medicines allow natural conception and pregnancy. However, such women should get regular check-ups done throughout their pregnancy. In cases where oral treatments fail, IVF has a high success rate.
Ideal diet in PCOD
A diet rich in fibres, proteins, anti-oxidants and omega-3 fatty acid works wonders for patients of PCOD. Thus, you should eat lean meat, cereals, leafy vegetables, lentils, nuts, beans, fish and seeds. Avoid processed food, milk and dairy products, fats and refined carbohydrates.
Maintaining healthy weight and taking regular medication are the two most important factors that determine how well can you manage PCOD. For a more detailed medical explanation, Click Here
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