The Miracle of Menstrual Cup and how it changed my life

Unlike the models who always wear white pants and run about in all sanitary napkin commercials, ‘those days of the month’ are much dreaded by most females. I was no exception. The hassle of using sanitary pads and dealing with the problems of stains and leakage used to hover on my head constantly during those days. My friends at school, and later at college and at office also faced these issues.
In my growing years, talking about menstruation and anything related to it was not considered a ‘good thing’. Menstruation was considered to be a female’s problem, and discussing openly about it was a taboo. So, we continued to face these problems and accepted them as a part of being a woman. But this is not so. I realized this when I used the menstrual cup for the first time in 2016, and have not looked back since.
Basically, the menstrual cup is an inverted bell-shaped device made form silicone-like soft and dermatologically tested material. It is meant to be folded and inserted inside the vagina, where it unfolds itself and makes a leak-proof contact with the vagina wall, and by doing so, it collects the menstrual fluid. After a few hours, depending on the menstrual flow, it has to be removed. The menstrual fluid is disposed in the toilet and the cup is rinsed with tap water and re-inserted.
During the time that it is inside the woman’s body, it doesn’t cause any pain or irritation. In fact, if correctly inserted, the woman doesn’t even realise that there is something in there. Once the menstrual cycle is over, it is to be washed with mild soap and water, and sterilized in boiling water for 5-7 minutes. The only effort you will have to make while using the menstrual cup is to practice how to fold and insert it correctly, and how to remove it. This takes a few attempts, but this effort is nothing when compared to the benefits you get.
Let us have a look at some of the features of the menstrual cup that make it so awesome:
- Since one cup can be sterilized and re-used for up to 10 years, the menstrual cup is an eco-friendly alternative to sanitary napkins and tampons which create a lot of waste.
- It is very discreet. You don’t have to carry anything to the toilet.
- Because of its re-usability, it is very economical.
- While using the menstrual cup, the menstrual fluid is collected just as it comes out of the cervix, before getting out of the body. Therefore, you don’t feel anything coming out from down there.
- Tampons are known to cause TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrome); and the ‘ultra-absorbing gel’ in sanitary napkins is made from potentially toxic chemicals. In contrast, menstrual cups are made from a non-toxic and dermatologically tested material.
- You can do any activity while using a menstrual cup, even swimming and horse riding (yes, I have done both). How cool is that!
Many women are apprehensive about the menstrual cup. This is mainly because unlike the advertisements for sanitary napkins that flood our television sets, we don’t hear much about menstrual cups. The menstrual cup, in my opinion, is a revolutionary product that plays an immense role in women empowerment. It makes you forget the inconvenience and hassles associated with sanitary napkins and rashes that come with them. Ladies, let us bring this beautiful change in our life. Got questions? Let’s discuss in the comments.